Monday, February 4, 2013

Meet Jenn!

We're Jenn's friends and we've hijacked her blog for Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Singles!


Check out our friend, Jenn
She's as hot as a hen
She's looking for a best friend
who doesn't wear Depends
she gives a great hug
and she's never smug
this girl is full of life
she would make a fabulous wife. 

Lookin for a handsome man
who's got a life plan
who's a southern "gentleman". 

If you're interested in Jenn, please comment below and she'll get in touch with you. Thanks!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hi there, twenty-six

Well, my birthday came and went. But who are we kidding, it's my birthday MONTH. And the celebrating will be continuing this weekend. (: People at work decorated my desk, I went to dinner with family and then blew out a few candles.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Birthday Month

It's that time of year again, my birthday! Ok, it's not for about 2 weeks, but you know I celebrate this all month long. That's how we do in my family! My goal is to do something exciting every day this month, so some fun posts should be coming up. *fingers crossed* 

So far, I made a raspberry/blackberry/peach cobbler that was to die for and painted my nails a little ombre-esque (each nail a different shade). Until the next post, here's a few birthday inspired images from pinterest...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Road Trippin' Tunes

(photo via Pinterest)

Happy Friday! I’m going on a small road trip this weekend by myself and I couldn’t be more excited. I’m in the midst of making a Road Trip Playlist and imagining cruising down the highway with the windows down. What are some of your favorite songs for the road?

Here are a few of mine:

1.       Hold On by Alabama Shakes

2.       Fader by The Temper Trap

3.       Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac

4.       Valerie by Amy Whinehouse

5.       Tongue Tied by Grouplove

6.       Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye by Luke Bryan

7.       You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go by Miley Cyrus

8.       Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder

9.       Party by Beyoncé and J Cole

10.   Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ by Michael Jackson

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer date night

I have to say, Fall is definitely my favorite season. But I do get excited about breezy summer dresses, hats and sequined bags. Isn't this the perfect outfit for a date night walk along the beach? And pull those cute zebras out if you feel a salty chill.

dress  /  fedora  /  zebra scarf  /  watch  /  bracelet  /  sunglasses  /  bag

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Rainbow

My mom and I had a little Easter project this weekend. We painted our wooden kitchen utensils! I was aching for a little painting project and this one did just the trick.

All you need is painters tape, craft paint and food safe shellac. (tip, we only sprayed the shellac on the painted part of the utensil.)

I hope everyone is having a beautiful Easter with their family celebrating our Risen Lord! 

Monday, March 19, 2012


Oh my goodness this makes me really happy. High-Five, Sharon!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Girl Time

Wow, it's been so long since I've updated and so many things have happened. Whoops! These past few weeks have been toughies, but I'm so thankful for the 2 girls weekend trips that have fallen in my laps for this month. This weekend I'm headed to the mountains with my mom, gram and aunt. I took a couple days off work so I'm expecting lots of eating, game playing and wine drinking. Then at the end of the month I'm headed to Philly with two of my favs. So thankful for all this girl time up ahead. God sure does have some good timing. (:

(all photos from Pinterest)

Monday, January 23, 2012

30 Days/30 Photos [Day 2]

It was unnervingly foggy today and I felt like I was living in a cloud.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

30 Days/30 Photos [Day 1]

Is it too late to say Happy New Year? Since this is my first post of 2012, Happy New Year! (:

My friend Kim, of Coati Photography, asked me (about 2 hours ago!) if I was participating in her 30 Days/30 Photos project. Since I had granola in the oven I thought, why not! So, my friends, here is Day 1. [Recipe is below]

3 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup chopped almonds
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1/4 cup honey
2 teaspoons cinnamon

Preheat oven to 325 degrees

Put your grains and almonds in a large mixing bowl

In separate bowl, mix all other ingredients with a whisk.

Pour wet ingredients into bowl with oats and almonds. Keep stirring until coated evenly.

Spread over parchment lined cookie sheet.

Bake for 45-60 minutes, stirring and turning over every 10-12 minutes so it doesn't burn. As it cools it will harden.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas in Chicago

How could I pass up spending Christmas with my mom, aunt and my grandmother? I couldn't. And we had a blast.


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